Area Codes in Brazil :

Phone numbers in Brazil
are preceded by the +55 country code for Brazil if you call from outside the country (international)
or 0 if you call from inside the country (national)
(+55 is part of World Telecom Zone +5 Latin America)

a 2 digit area code,
a 8 digit subscriber number

Brazil has an closed phonesystem
Numbers are always 10 digits long
(including the country code 55, 12 digits long)
+55 xx xxxx xxxx

Mobil numbers in Brazil
ar 11 digit long
(including the country code 55, 13 digits long)
+55 6 or +55 7 or +55 8 or +55 9

Area Codes for Regions of Brazil

State o San Paulo +55 1
States od Rio and Espirito Santo +55 2
State of Minas Gerais +55 3
States of Parana and Santa Catharina +55 4
State of Rio Grande du Sul +55 5
State in the Central West of Brazil +55 6
States of Bahia and Sergipe+55 7
State in the Northwest of Brazil +55 8
State in the North of Brazil +55 9

Area Codes for main cities of Brazil

Sao Paulo +55 11
Rio +55 21

City State Are Code
Alexandria   +55 859
Anápolis   +55 62
Aracaju   +55 79
Araguaina 63 +55 63
Barreiras 77 +55 77
Bauru 14 +55 14
Belém 91 +55 91
Belo Horizonte 31 +55 31
Blumenau 47 +55 47
Boa Vista 95 +55 95
Brasilia 61 +55 61
Campina Grande 83 +55 83
Campinas 19 +55 19
Campo Grande 67 +55 67
Campos 22 +55 22
Caruaru 81 +55 81
Caxias do Sul 54 +55 54
Cuiaba 65 +55 65
Curitiba 41 +55 41
Feira de Santana 75 +55 75
Fernando de Noronha 81 +55 81
Florianopolis 48 +55 48
Fortaleza 85 +55 85
Garanhuns 81 +55 81
Goiania 62 +55 62
Governador Valadares 33 +55 33
Ilheus 73 +55 73
Itabuna 73 +55 73
Jequie 73 +55 73
Joao Pessoa 83 +55 83
Joinville 47 +55 47
Juazeiro do Norte 74 +55 74
Juiz de Fora 32 +55 32
Londrina 43 +55 43
Macapa 96 +55 96
Maceio 82 +55 82
Manaus 92 +55 92
Medina 830 +55 830
Montes Claros 38 +55 38
Montezuma 478 +55 478
Mossoro 84 +55 84
Natal 84 +55 84
Niteroi 21 +55 21
Palmas 63 +55 63
Panama 712 +55 712
Parnaiba 86 +55 86
Pelotas 532 +55 532
Ponta Grossa 42 +55 42
Porto Alegre 51 +55 51
Porto Velho 69 +55 69
Recife 81 +55 81
Ribeirão Preto 16 +55 16
Rio Branco 68 +55 68
Rio de Janeiro RI +55 21
Rio Grande 53 +55 53
Sacramento 916 +55 916
Salinas 408 +55 408
Salvador 71 +55 71
Santa Cruz 831 +55 831
Santa Fe 505 +55 505
Santa Maria 34 +55 34
Santa Rosa 707 +55 707
Santo André 11 +55 11
Santos 13 +55 13
São Luis 98 +55 98
São Paulo SP +55 11
Sobral 88 +55 88
Sorocaba 15 +55 15
Teofilo Otoni 33 +55 33
Teresina 86 +55 86
Timbo 870 +55 870
Uberaba 34 +55 34
Uberlandia 34 +55 34
Uruguaiana 55 +55 55
Valparaiso 850 +55 850
Vitoria 27 +55 27
Vitoria da Conquista 77 +55 77
Volta Redonda 24 +55 24

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